Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Vicarious Travel

I created this blog primarily for me, as a creative outlet as well as a travel diary. Secondly, I thought that it would be a good way to keep in touch with Marc and my parents, something to round out Skype. Many of you have written to me to say that you have enjoyed the blog. I am so glad, thanks! I have also enjoyed hearing from you.

If travel blogs interest you, I have two to share. The first is from Michele Reeves and her husband Tom. Many of you know Michele, a former commercial broker in Portland. She and Tom are doing a very brave and cool thing. They and their two young daughters have dismantled their life in Portland for at least a year of adventure in Buenos Aires. You might be interested in their blog. You can find it on the right hand column of this page. I can't seem to imbed it here.

Also, my friend Gretchen is spending 8 months living, eating, traveling and painting in Italy and Spain. You can follow her blog as well, again on the right.

The world is so small. It is amazing to be able to keep in regular touch with folks on other continents.

1 comment:

Mich said...

Sara! Thank you for the link love, as they say!!! I linked to your blog from my salad post, but we still haven't gotten our act together for a links page, but I promise we are going to do it soon!

See you.