Like all big cities, you see dogs on the streets and in the parks in BA. Chihuahuas to Bernese. You also see lots of dog walkers. I have seen them orchestrate up to eight at one time, so far. There is a park about six blocks from my house, and it is packed with dogs in the evening. Like Paris, you also see dog poop, or dog "dirt" as my grandfather used to call it, EVERYWHERE. No one picks up. So, the parks smell like dog dirt, and you have to definately watch where you walk.
So, today, on my way to the polo grounds (no polo matches today, I just wanted to know where to go when..), I passed a park called Plaza Seeber. It really isn't a plaza, but a giant quasi-grassy dog park. There wasn't a human around except for dog walkers. It must be some kind of official dog park. The park has stakes in the ground at regular intervals that dogs are tied to, usually two at a time. So, around each stake is a dirt circle where the dogs have worn the grass down. There is also a fenced area where people let their dog play. But since there are no humans in sight, it is as though they just tie them up for an hour or a day and come back and get them later. Remarkable.
Hi Sara: how grand to open up my lap top this morning and find your blog info!!!! Can't say that the dog dirt holds any affection in my heart! But I loved your description of your first day there. Like you, I had never taken my computer out of my house, but here I am in San Ginesio Italy. Using the blog is a lot of fun. I'll keep checking yours, today it's sunny and warm here but I don't expect that to last.
Loved the horse picture, more later
Welcome to the world of Argentina blogging!!
We'll bug you in a week or so when we are really settled here ourselves.
I'm totally using "dog dirt."
Sounds like your adventure is off and running.
Just returned from New Orleans with 15 friends from church. We had a successful week of building to restore a damaged house. Conditions are somewhat better than a year ago. Probably seven to eight years of work left to restore the damage.
Have a great time in Buenos Aires.
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