Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm sick

It was bound to happen, I guess. After spending so much time in close proximity to people, on the subway, city buses and long-distance buses, etc, I came down with a touch of the flu or something. At first I thought it was the biggest hangover ever, as I went out for a late dinner Wednesday night that included lots of red wine. I hit my bed at 1:30 pm and by 4:30 I woke up with the biggest headache of my life. Then I threw up. More headache, more throwing up, etc. Anyway, by noon, I was still suffering from headache and nauseous stomach, so figured it was more than a hangover. Marc doesn't believe me and thinks its a huge hangover.

So, I spent all of yesterday in bed, reading or watching TV. I have cable here at the apartment, so I watched lots of CNN and BBC. There is even a German news channel and, just for yucks, I watched that for about 30 minutes. Then, Sex and the City was on, thankfully in English, and they were episodes I had never seen before. Most of the TV shows and movies from the US are dubbed. My Spanish is not good enough to understand much, and something is really lost in dubbing. Imagine Austin Powers without Mike Meyer's voice. I just can't do it.

So, while watching all this TV, I got caught up on all the sports news, which of course means soccer news: Beckham going to Milan on loan and Diego Maradonna, a deity in Argentina, coaching the Argentine soccer team. There was a mention of Philadelphia winning the World Series, which BBC noted as an ironic name since the only teams playing are from North America.

Feeling better today, but still not straying far from home. I should be in good shape tomorrow.


Gretchen said...

!Hi Sara: nothing like being really sick so far away from home and all alone...what fun. I've been congratulating myself on NOT getting sick (so far.) We had a guest for the past three days and she arrived with a nasty cold, coughed and blew her nose the whole time, and we were in the car together all day long...trooping around too. Claudia came down with it yesterday, David says he has a touch today, and NOT ME.

sarajane said...

Oh Gretchen, let's hope you don't get it! Getting sick sucks anyway and especially when you would rather be doing something else and in a new place.

Salud! as they say here.