Today I decided to go back to Belgrano and explore. I had visited this neighborhood last Friday night, when I went to a classical guitar concert that featured music by Marc's grandfather. Belgrano is an upper middle-class, residential neighborhood. Since it is just outside of the Capital Federale, it is considered a suburb. However, it is not a suburb in the US sense. While it does feature many homes built in the first two decades of last century, there are also a lot of post-WWII high rises. It has fewer shopping streets than other parts of BA, so it is more residential in feel. There are many schools and some parks. I wandered in an especially elegant part of Belgrano for several hours. School had just let out so the sidewalks were flooded with kids just out of school.
Belgrano is accessible by subway. However, due to some dysfunction, the subway car I jumped into today wasn't running. We waited for many minutes for the door to close and the car to move. Then, a muffled voice came on the loudspeaker: "Mwah, mwah ma, wa wa mwah wa!" Obviously, I had no clue what the problem was, so I just followed the other passengers who disembarked with frustration. "Hmmm," I thought. "What to do now?" I could go back to my flat and study, or I could try to take.... the bus. The bus is a whole topic all by itself, and so I will get into it in a later post. I will say now that it is very complicated and I have been very intimidated to take it with limited Spanish. Yet, because I had bought a bus guide this weekend and I had it in my purse, I managed to actually take the bus to Belgrano. Hooray!
So, here are my shots of Belgrano. By the way, I am enchanted with the school buses and vans here. They are orange with white roofs. They are adorable.
1 comment:
Hi Sara; although I still am not connected in San Ginesio, I just saw your blogspot for the first time in a while, thanks for mentioning mine! Still have hope that next week Iàll really be online and be able to communicate more. Buesnos Aires looks-sounds fab.
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